
I am the Rev. Dr. Paixao Baptista, I started serving Centenary since July 1, 2020. I came to Nebraska in 1999, I served 3 other appointments across the state and since 1987 I served 4 other appointments in Angola West Annual Conference and Zimbabwe Annual conference (DS appointment). I received a Theological Diploma from Seminario Emanuel Unido-Huambo, Angola in 1987, a Bachelor in education Degree, BA Ed, (licenciado em educacao) from Agostinho Neto University-Luanda, Angola in 1991, a BD (Bachelor of Divinity), from Africa University, Mutare, Zimbabwe, in 1996. I completed my MDiv (Master’s in Divinity Degree) from SMU, Perkins School of Theology in Dallas, Texas in 1999 and a DMin (Doctor of Ministry Degree) from SMU, Perkins School of Theology in Dallas, Texas in 2003. I am an adjunct professor at Asbury Theological Seminary, Wilmore, KY.
I am married to Esperanca Maria Soares and we have 4 children and two grandchildren. We enjoy traveling and working with people, and enjoy watching our boys’ sports. It is good to be here as we come to know one another and do ministry together. ‘God is Good! All the Time’.