Nuture Committee

Our goal is to develop and strengthen disciples for Christ Jesus through intentional discipleship, training, and personal growth opportunities
This committee will assist the pastor in developing discipleship and spiritual growth opportunities for the members and friends of the church. Examples may include short time, seasonal studies, such as Advent and Lent. Small group development may also be included. The Committee will also review programming opportunities presented by the denomination such as “Disciple” and “Christian Believers” series. The committee meets by-monthly or as needed.
- Host 5th Sunday special events and fellowship
- Send Easter cards to our shut ins
- Do a quarterly Card Sunday for our shut ins
- Send a thank you to those who have served as a leader or committee member
- Monitor and support the Centenary Prayer Chain
- Serve the youth by providing a youth group meal during the year
- Develop and support short term Biblical and thematic studies
-Host Easter Sunday pot luck for those who are alone.
Anyone is welcome to attend. We are always looking for new members