Worship Committee

Our goal is to foster excellent worship services by communicating with the leadership and finding resources for enhancing the worship experience.
Assists the Pastor in planning the worship service and its contents. Promotes adequate musical leadership and recruits persons for weekly musical contributions; i.e. choir, solos, etc. Assists the Pastor in planning special worship services throughout the church year; i.e. Advent, Christmas, Lent, Easter, etc. Assist the Pastor in planning alternative worship services to meet the needs of the wider community. Promotes the use multi-media to enhance the worship experience. Promotes and plans for floral displays in the church, especially during the Christmas and Easter seasons. Meets quarterly or as needed.
- Resource special services throughout the year
- Acquire and display seasonal/church year banners and visuals
- Provide training for ushers, acolytes, and greeters
- Maintain and display paraments
- Provide communion servers
Anyone is welcome to attend. We are always looking for new members