Outreach Committee
Our goal is to participate in and encourage ecumenical work in the community and provide resources for church members to share in reaching out to their neighbors with God's love and compassion.
Develop and encourage a year-round program of community outreach and mission in the life of the church. Provide the congregation with mission opportunities throughout the year; i.e. work camps, short-term mission work, Volunteers In Missions projects canned food collections, etc. Share mission thoughts and information through the newsletter.
The committee reaches out into the community with the gospel. It will help develop plans for inviting persons to know Jesus Christ and come into the life of the church. The committee will review current evangelism models and resources and recommend continuing evangelism programming throughout the church year. Committee meets monthly.
-Send Easter and Christmas program postcards to church family.
-Seasonal ads in various media formats
-Door greeter at the 9 AM service.
-Sponsor the monthly Food Pantry Table.
-Support Relay for Life Event
-Have an Easter and Christmas lawn display.
-Send Christmas cards to county prison inmates
-Raise funds for Habitat for Humanity
-Support and advertise our denominational offerings throughout the year.
-Support the youth ministry by serving a meal.
-Serve and coordinate Warren's Table meals five times a year.
-Provide monthly community prayer focus.
-Support the Jalingo orphanage through Nickels for Nigeria.
-Support Epworth Village as a mission project for Centenary.
-Coordinate and supply Visitor's Table.
-Provide church brochures to Chamber for display
Anyone is welcome to join us. Always looking for new members.