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Education Committee

Our goal is to provide quality programming for the youth of our church.  We will provide our youth with a safe place to explore God's teachings by sharing God's love through our teaching, actions, and interactions.


Guides the educational program in the life of the church.  Identifies and recruits teachers for Sunday School and other educational programs.  Oversees the education budget and orders material for use in the education program of the church.  Encourages regular teacher training for those in the education program.  Promotes and plans Christian Education Sunday.  Promotes and encourages the participation of all persons in the educational life of the church.  Assists the Pastor with acolyte training.  The committee meets bi-monthly or as needed.

- Offer Sunday School for Pre-K through 12th grade, September to May
- Offer fellowship and prayer at the beginning of each Sunday School day for Pre-K-5th grade
- Facilitate a Sunday School Kick-Off Celebration annually
- Host a family Advent social
- Host the Annual Easter Egg Hunt
- Present high school seniors with a graduation breakfast and gift
- Host a Vacation Bible School experience for Pre-k through 5th grade
- Provide Safe Sanctuary training
- Display representation at Administrative Council Meetings
- Offer youth camp information and registration fees
- Encourage conference activities for our youth
- Continue the blessing of the backpacks in August/September and provide yearly Bible tag
- Continue to offer quarterly outings for the youth


Anyone is welcome to join us.  Always looking for new members.